You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 29 times.


My mother, who is 86 and has dementia, took a fall last night at her assisted-living place. She was trying to help another lady scoot up closer to the table & lost her balance a bit, and toppled into the window and wall part of the corner she was in — in the dining room. We think she likely fractured a rib or two, as she’s in quite a bit of pain. We did have her x-rayed, but the results are not back. I’ve never gone through this type of thing before. The dementia makes it particularly challenging, as she repeats herself & gets confused. To make matters more challenging, she’s just been denied for dementia (by her long-term care insurance company). I gathered what I thought was a plethora of proof that she deserves coverage. They denied it. So I have a large battle on my hands to get them to cover her.

I am completely overwhelmed. I pray for Mom‘s healing of her rib cage area. I pray for peace and calmness in my mom. I pray for strength, wisdom, and clarity of mind and thought… as I try to fight this insurance company. I am discouraged, and yet I want to keep my mom from discouragement.

Received: March 22, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 24 times.


Thank you for agreeing with us that Tina will get that new job! while

waiting on The Lord for whatever new Relationships, Housing, Position, and Ministry The Lord has for her.

Received: March 22, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.

Ha-young Shin

Please pray God to grant us(you, your loved ones, Jung-won, Ui-seop, Ha-young, Ye-young, Eun-tae, In-sook) complete and permanent turning back to Him and complete union with His Son when all our bodies are alive. So that each of us may become the unique treasure of the one true God, serving only Him and living forever.

Received: March 22, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 26 times.


I wish you would pray for my granddaughter, Jailee, she is 17 and involved with witchcraft and the occult, pray for her soul, she has been through a lot in her young life and I so want her to accept Christ as her savior,

Received: March 21, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


Will you please pray for my daughter's surgical procedures to be scheduled soon and for the specialized surgeon who will be needed to perform them? She has a very serious condition that was diagnosed almost a year ago, but due to a lot of circumstances, she was finally referred (today) to the hospital where the very specialized test can be done to prepare for the surgery that will eliminate the condition that is debilitating and life threatening. We have no idea when such a surgeon and long operating room time will be available, but I am praying for God to schedule it soon.

Thank you for praying!

Received: March 21, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 32 times.


Asking again for prayer to hang on I have cancer and start radiation treatment Monday 3/25

I went back to work after just having 2 surgeries to remove tumor from breast, then covid, then food poisoning I had to come back to work weak because they cut my salary off and I’m commission only .

I have to sell some homes because cancer is expensive and I’m drowning in debt .

My company does not want me and are trying to push me out I’m 64

Prayer I hang on to get well and Father helps me to overcome cancer and the mountain of debt

I’m afraid of being sick

No home or job , going bankrupt

Please pray my worst fears don’t happen!

I do know Jesus loves me and this is a fiery trial ! It’s just hard . I have kept a smile on my face at work because of all your prayers , in the face of so many unfair moves they have made on me, I handled it with Grace for our Lord! Didn’t show my anger they put a young girl in to sell my community and take my income instead of helping me when I worked 9 months to open this community , then I get sick and they just push me out and tried to keep me from coming back . They are pulling pressure on me to break and I feel so pathetic

Iin private , I’m a mess




So I Need prayer to overcome all of the above and trust our Lord who is worthy of all praise ️

Pray I sleep this is keeping me up all night and I need good rest to go thru radiation for 6 weeks , 5 days a week. Prayer that I Feel your prayers and I go in to work brave tomorrow and represent Jesus well!

Thank you for you prayers

Blessing to you all️️️

Received: March 21, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.


Hi, could you please pray for protection from witchcraft, especially from Gaye and Maree (who need salvation). I'm plagued endlessly and it's too much. Thank you for your prayers, that's very kind of you.

Love in Christ, Rachel

Received: March 21, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 37 times.


Please continue to pray for my special need daughter Carrie. Shehas bad nightmares at night,and has negative thoughts. She loves Jesus, and she is constantly getting hit from the enemy.I am a single mom, and have nobody to help or comfort me, when my daughter and I are getting attacked by the enemy.I need prayer warriors that are truly born again, belive Jesus came in the flesh, and are totally sold out for Jesus Christ. Carrie needs a miracle. She needs prayer, for deliverance, restoration, PEACE. I need a Saint that will have a heart for her. God bless you

Received: March 21, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 33 times.


Pray for Israel- don’t forget the war that is to defeat terrorism and the lives impacted by it. Pray the hostages won’t lose hope that God of Israel sees them and no darkness can hide from him. They will be released even today and they will be visited by Jesus in captivity as they wait. Pray for all those deceived and embracing terrorism (satanism) will be given the opportunity to turn to Jesus or go quickly to the grave.

Pray for safe passage for all Jews to return to Israel per God’s calling in Jeremiah and Isaiah.

Pray for American Falls, Idaho and for America. This area is heavily influenced by deceit. Sometimes I feel I’m the only one speaking the truth of the Bible here- literal translation w prophecy, pre-millennial rapture and Jesus’ literal foretold millennial reign on Earth after. Pray that everyone I’ve shared with over the past 4 years (just here) will have their blinding removed and accept the truth. This is the only revival America may have. Trump will not save us for he is man. America has been told of its downfall and not Kingdom Now dominion. Pray that the Lord will watch over me and my house for standing unabashedly and uncompromisingly with the Bible. Also pray for my spouse to know that what God has ordained and called for His people, we must obey. That personal will be laid down for God’s will. Thank you and I pray for all the prayer requests here as well.

Received: March 21, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 27 times.


Hi there. I would like to, once again, lift my two aunts up in prayer, as well as my mom and grandpa. For those who did not see my previous prayer request, one aunt lives out-of-state and the other lives with my grandpa, who is about to turn 90; both aunts are heavy alcoholics. I found out that, some time ago, my out-of-state aunt crashed her new car into a gas station (she was driving drunk); thankfully, she wasn't severely injured, but it resulted in a slew of legal charges. Additionally, I was told my other aunt living with my grandpa could not go to work one day because she registered a blood-alcohol level of 0.11 (severely intoxicated) the morning after drinking all night.

My grandpa finally reached the conclusion that he is unintentionally enabling her and has decided he will confront her, but will give her an ultimatum of either seeking legitimate help or moving out. (She is living with him because he wanted to help her get back up on her feet after moving back home and getting a new job following a nasty divorce.) This is taking a major toll on my grandpa, who kept telling me several times, "I'm too old to be a parent." I haven't seen his eyes with so many tears and his heart with this much pain since my grandma died.

Sadly, this is also taking a nasty toll on my mom. My mom is struggling with her sleep patterns because she is anxious the aunt living with my grandpa will poison herself and he will have to find her. She is also upset because the out-of-state aunt sent a nasty email some time ago, accusing my mom--who doesn't drink and is a Bible-believing Christian--of being a dark force and the reason their family dynamic is so messed up (like a cruel joke). These things have broken her calm and are making her sad, stressed, and depressed. This, like a domino effect, is affecting how she interacts with my dad, who just underwent back surgery, which is creating problems there, too.

This whole thing feels like a disastrous mess, and I feel so helpless watching it all happen. I ask those reading this to please pray for all parties involved: my aunts in their alcoholism, that they would seek help, seek the Lord, and turn away from their addiction; my grandpa in his distress, that he would be able to handle this accordingly; and my mom in her pain and anxiety, that the Lord would fill her with peace and strength, and that He would help her sleep. Thank you, all.

Received: March 21, 2024

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