You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 25 times.


Hi, I asked for prayer a little while back. My son-in-law Brian is still looking for a job. He had a video interview last week, and finds out if he gets the job or not this week. Please pray that God will bless him with a new job so that he can support his family. Thank you!

Received: March 25, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.

Maryjo Hillman

Please pray for my two daughter in laws , that the Lord would help them open their hearts to Him . Thank you and God bless you all .

Received: March 25, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 23 times.

Imelda Remillard

From my friend Karen please pray for her. Thank you in advance

FYI: I found out last week that my body has rejected EVERYTHING that was done in the January surgery. This means that EVERYTHING I have gone through for the last 9 weeks has been for naught. Not only that, but my foot is WORSE than it was before. I'm having another surgery this week Tuesday. This one is ONLY to remove the bone cement that has all COME OUT OF THE BONE IT WAS INSERTED INTO, that had been full of infection (the bone was.) The 3 surgeons that know this cement has now come out of my bone, and is coming out in white streams through suture holes in the top of my foot, have all said that they have NEVER, EVER seen this happen before. WHY ME????????!!!!!!!!!!! They all say I will still probably have to have my foot amputated in a third surgery. I have prayed so many tens of thousands of prayers over the years that God would heal this foot in accordance with His promises in His word, and it has just gotten worse and worse. Medical technology now has no answer but to clean it out and then cut it off. I need a miracle of healing re: my right foot worse than words can say. I could scream. I haven't been able to WALK OR DRIVE OR DO ANYTHING for NINE WEEKS NOW - and it will be SEVERAL MORE WEEKS after Tuesday, before I can do ANYTHING BUT SIT or LIE DOWN. THIS IS the definition of severe depression, isolation. loneliness, immobility, stagnation, total nothingness. You lose hope when all you can do is sit or lie and watch the air particles. This has been soooooooooo hard; and there is no light in this dark tunnel, because of yet another surgery this week. I've NEVER felt this way. It's sooooooooooooo hard. I WILL call or text you as SOON as I feel good enough to have company. I NEED you to come see and talk with me. I'm going CRAZY. I HATE THIS. IMAGINE not being able to do ANYTHING for 9 WEEKS and then you find out that you have to start it all over AGAIN. God help me.....I see you've had a really fun winter. I can't even imagine; but I'm glad at least you get to have a life. How I WISH I had good things to say and report. Praying for you and your family, and just wanting to advise you about the surgery. Please pray that God will FINALLY HEAL THIS FOOT. I DON'T want to lose it this year. despite what the doctors say. If you know of any prayer groups that could/would pray for God to divinely, miraculously heal my foot, please have them pray for me. I need a group of Christians interceding for me, so that what Satan is doing and planning to do) will NOT happen. He steals, kills, and destroys. It is TIME for GOD to show His hand of HEALING, as He PROMISES to do in the Bible. I love and miss you. Take care of yourself. May Jesus prosper you in all of your life. Karen

Received: March 25, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.

Rachel Cramer

I would like to ask for prayer for my sister, Rebecca. She is a wife and a mother of three small boys. She just found out today that the doctor thinks she has ovarian cancer. She is going in this Thursday to confirm. Cancer runs in my family and I have lost a lot of relatives to it. She does love the Lord dearly, and I know that He has His mighty hand on this.

Received: March 25, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 20 times.

Maryjo Hillman

Please pray for my sons John and Patrick , John is trying to move from one state to the other , but there have been so many obstacles in his way and he is getting exhausted from driving back and forth every week , please ask the Lord to fill him with peace and to help smooth out the bumps . And Patrick and his wife are trying to have a family which has been difficult . Thank you for your prayers . God bless

Received: March 25, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 20 times.


My granddaughter, Olivia, is continuing in therapy for severe depression, anxiety, cutting, suicidal ideation. Thankfully, she seems to be improving. Please pray that her therapist will have godly wisdom and guidance as she helps this sweet child. Pray that her younger sister will not be affected negatively. Her parents are looking at schools, and the one they like is very LGBTQ "supportive." Please pray that the door there will close, and that the Lord will lead them to an acceptable school. They need Jesus. Thank you. Maranatha.

Received: March 25, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.



Please continue to pray for Hannah and Nahum following the loss of their baby last week- at 24 weeks gestation. Hannah is still in hospital, not eating and suffering from depression. Please pray she'll get the help she needs so that she can go home to their three other young children. Thank you so much.

Janice in the UK

Received: March 25, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


My wife was a children's ministry director for a church in the North West suburbs. She left as a result of her taking a stand on the side of a pastor who was about to be fired. My wife, myself and several others left to join another church. That other church was watered down at best ( and I am being kind in that description)!

After attending that church for a number of years we moved to a new home and my wife stopped attending church altogether! I have returned to a solid church in the North West suburbs, alone.

My prayer is that my wife would return to church with me, and that she would recommit her life to Jesus. I have been attending a very good church for a long time, but it is lonely going all by myself. I also need prayers for my 4 married children who along with their spouses need to be saved too. The ironic part of this is that my two grandsons aged 10 not twins (but one son of my second son and the other from my third son) went to church with me and got saved as a result. Hallelujah!!!!!! Thank you for your prayers. God Bless

Received: March 25, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.


Heavenly Father, I come before you, asking for your help in bringing my daughter Rayela to you. She is caught up in the world of sin. Her unruly lifestyle is worrisome. She carries bitterness, hatefulness, a foul mouth, anxieties, unforgiveness for herself and others. Lord, I pray that you will move in her life, fill her with your spirit and bring convictions to her heart, rebuild her relationships with her family. I lift her up in the Name of Jesus. Soften her heart to understand that you’ve paid the full price for her sins by sacrificing your only son. Draw her near and guide her path straight, blocking and removing all that is not of you. Lord you know her best and only you can reach her. I see her struggling grasping at a glimpse of happiness, the fellow she is with seems to only disturb her peace, loves and brags about keeping her in an aggravated state and distort Your word to his own belief. She has currently fallen pregnant by this married man who is half her age. She has lost herself and all that she has worked so hard for since being with this man. He likes to keep her high, keeping her more submissive. I do not doubt that you are working within her otherwise the devil would not be fighting so hard. Let everything she does bring glory to you. Hold her hand through this storm into salvation, a new life. Pluck Rayela from the devil's grasp. I take authority and command the devil to flee from my daughter in Jesus Name. I trust in your will for her life and pray a hedge of protection around her, hide her from the enemy. There shall be no breach in these hedges according to your word. This battle has already been won, I'm claiming Victory! Amen.

Received: March 25, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 32 times.


Hi there. I would like to, yet again, lift my family up in prayer. In a prior prayer request, I mentioned my two aunts, both heavy alcoholics. One aunt lives out of state and crashed her vehicle after driving drunk; the other, who lives with my grandpa, was too drunk to go to work one day and continues to drink alone in her room. She is at risk of overdosing, as she takes sleeping pills in addition to her drinking.

The situation worsens. My grandpa said he would confront the aunt living with him and give her an ultimatum, which was to seek professional help or leave. She said she does not want to go back to rehab, and my grandpa, instead of following through on his ultimatum, says he will instead subject her to daily (if not more) breathalyzer tests to "keep her on the straight and narrow." It is clear she does not want to give up her alcoholism, and he is no longer indirectly enabling her - he is now complicity enabling her. My grandpa turns 90 in four days and is in no position to do this.

To compound matters, the out-of-state aunt is coming to town on 03/28 to celebrate his birthday and Easter this coming weekend. Two months earlier, this same aunt sent my mom a nasty drunk email accusing her of being the dark force who has caused all of the issues in their family. While absolutely not perfect (because nobody is), my mom is still a Bible-believing, non-alcoholic Christian, who does her very best to follow the Lord. Both aunts, however, claim to be Christian, but use church as a scapegoat to sweep their alcoholism and other bad behaviors under the rug while slandering my mom on a regular basis. After that email exchange, my mom reached out to the out-of-state aunt, twice, in a genuine attempt to reconcile and was promptly ignored. My mom has a relationship with neither of them, which breaks her heart. To add insult to injury, my grandpa gets angry at my mom when she says anything truthful about their addiction whenever they discuss the situation.

This issue is causing astronomical levels of stress in our family, and it is getting worse. Neither aunt wishes to give up their alcoholic lifestyle, and they are clearly taking advantage of my grandpa (each in their own way), to his visible detriment. We don't know what to do, and it seems the parties most involved are committed to allowing this festering boil to continue to sit there, untreated and getting worse. This is enough to drive even the most level-headed person completely insane.

I ask those reading this to please, please pray for our situation. We are at a total loss and are praying the Lord allows something good to happen this Easter weekend, in addition to the Easter holiday itself, while everyone is in town. Thank you so much.

Received: March 25, 2024

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