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I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


Please pray for my friend R____ who may have had several small strokes. Please pray for healing and wisdom for the doctors and medical staff as they treat her.

Thank you!

Received: March 27, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 29 times.


Please can you pray for my Christian friends who live downstairs in the building where I reside as I found out a short while ago that my Christian friend Ella was rushed into hospital last night and all I am allowed to be told by the staff here is that she is stable. Please pray for her husband Martin too as he has parkinsons and also has severe mental health issues. I was told by a manager that I was allowed to knock on their door and to briefly pop in and there is the Care Manager with him who I heard through the door something about an ambulance - so not sure if he is being taken into hospital to be cared for 24/7 whilst Ella is in hospital.

Thank you

Received: March 27, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 30 times.


My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. It is stage 1, grade 1. So it is early, which is a blessing. The surgeon will perform a double mastectomy to stop it from going further. After that chemo, radiation or whatever the oncologist recommends. My wife is 48 years old. It is hard for us, though we know Jesus is Good and will see us through. Pray more than anything for Jesus’s peace during this time. In Christ, thank you.

Received: March 27, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 27 times.


Please pray for c to yield to God

and move forward in her life

Pray She moves out of our home

God break off any bond and bounds Satan

Pray God find a another place to live

And God protects us from her

And ask God will block her from taking advantage of us & our home

Received: March 27, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 29 times.


I am having a minor surgery today. I forgot to ask for prayer about it. March has been the busiest month of my life and April is busy too. I want to ask for prayer for this surgery and that I make all of my appointments and for healing.

Received: March 27, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 24 times.


After God created the animals and man the first words out of his mouth were "It's not good for man to be alone. I will make him a helper". Paul said, "if you burn with passion, it is better to marry than to burn". The average life span world-wide for a man is 72 years old. I'm pushing 60. I've got 12 years left. As my body declines, many of those years won't be functional. Please pray God sends me a Godly wife. I've been friendless and lonely for decades now. I would have saved me a lot of pain and a lot of accidentally getting off track had he done it earlier. I always dreamed I would be handsome on my honeymoon, but my body is falling apart, and my health is failing. Pray God fixes that too to that I can be fit and happy with my new love. Thanks.

Received: March 27, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 17 times.



I’m asking for prayer for all my brothers and sisters around the world to be strengthened in love, truth and the presence of the Holy Spirit until Jesus calls us home to eternal glory.

I am deeply moved for those persecuted or dying for the sake and name of Christ Jesus. Lord you see them and hear their cries. Comfort them and rescue them from every pit of despair. I’m sorry I’ve so often forgotten to pray for the whole world to be transformed by these dear saints. Always standing with Israel.

The persecution I’ve suffered is pale in comparison to most and I see I had a life that at times was close to God but then fear (life, parents, husband) or western religious life in our “christian” churches and communities has dulled my senses. I ran away from God some in the past due to being ridiculed and losing things in life. I grew angry at God and even thought of death but God was faithful and brought me new life. Please pray I’ll find my worth only in Him and serve Him faithfully in these last days.

I’ve been set apart and I’ve known this for sometime. Pray I will continue to boldly share the Bible as it is written to all in my community. Pray I will be able to downsize (help needed) our household possessions. I’ve felt we are called to Israel by the Father and my husband’s heritage but He nor his family share this belief. I lay down my will for God’s and if He intends us to go to Israel, He will make that happen. If we are to remain here- help me not give up.

My husband to finally fulfill his God given role of spiritual leader and protector to our family- to pray with me and the kids rather than trying to build his kingdom in his career here.

I’ve been told throughout life and here that I am crazy, too heavenly minded and too spiritual for praying and reading so much about the coming of Jesus (my husband), divisive for standing firm to not compromise my kids education w Calvinist doctrine but instead teaching Abeka (former friends and heads of a local spiritually dead christian school), not understanding or misguided or satan’s tool (by husband’s family and friends and pastors in past for always persuading them not to follow NAR, HWP and said teachings of false doctrine). I have very few friends anymore but God has grown my prayer life and my trust in Him. I’m firm to tell others that the Bible is true and prophecy is important. The end is near but first great things for God and persecution for the America’s. Awaken all Christian’s asleep in the Western Laodeacian Churches. Bring them back to God and repentance before it is too late. The West has grown fat and lazy and even now I urge pastors to give gospel invitations at the end of their 45 minute sermons and to share prophecy and biblical worldviews. The consensus is they don’t want to offend or make people uncomfortable. God help us in America! In Jesus name, Amen.

Received: March 27, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.

Kerry Jamison

Please pray for my loved ones to know the Truth & surrender to Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior. Also plz pray for my 31 yr old to get a good IT job that he can excel in & be a blessing to others!

Thank you!


Received: March 26, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 25 times.


I have physical limitations that preclude me from work. I feel housebound, restless, and discontent. I long to get out and sit at the ocean or the mountains and breathe that fresh air. I think I just need a break. Maybe a short vacation. I'm also in disability limbo with SSA. I'm sick of being in this undetermined state - is God going to heal me, or help me? I know there are much more concerning world issues, but my problems are also important. Thanks, and God bless you!

Received: March 26, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 28 times.


Please pray for my brother, Jesse, 86 yrs.old, has dementia, and his granddaughter defrauded him of all his properties. She took him to an attorney who registered all the deeds in her name. He's in rehab because he fell and fractured his hip. The attorney has scheduled a hearing for April 4 but the attorney does not think he will be able to get his properties back. He needs to sell the properties for payment for the nursing home he will need to stay in. He really needs a miracle that the judge would rule in his favor and he would recover all his properties. His granddaughter does not want to give him anything including all the money she stole from him, Please pray for a miracle for him.

Received: March 26, 2024

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