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I prayed for this

Prayed for 25 times.

Connie Kirchner

I am requesting prayer for my adult children to repent and come to the saving knowledge of the Lord, Jesus Christ. They have the knowledge of God, but have turned away and became "woke" through college and peers. Their names are Courtney, Amanda, and Andrew.

Received: March 28, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.


Please pray for Autumn. Please pray God’s peace, grace & mercy over her life, praying God fills her with the knowledge of how deep His love is for her. Let the truth of God fill her heart and mind.

Thank you for praying! God bless you!

Received: March 28, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 25 times.


Hi there. I would like to lift my mom up in prayer today. I have mentioned my family several times in prior prayer requests, but I would like to ask for prayer for my mom in specific.

My mom is going through a very difficult period in her life, spiritually and emotionally. This coming Saturday is also her 65th birthday, which, unfortunately, is dampened by the multiplicity of issues she is dealing with. My mom suffers from depression caused by hormone suppressants prescribed after beating cancer a few years ago. In addition, as I have mentioned previously, she suffers from anger, sadness, and anxiety caused by my two alcoholic aunts running the show in our family and treating her very poorly. As I have also mentioned, my mom has been a long-time sufferer from my sister's lesbian lifestyle choices and the ensuing disrespect and false accusations against her. All of these things are compounded by my grandma's passing a few years ago, the passing of her oldest dog in December, and the unexpected passing of her youngest dog in February.

As a result of these issues, my mom struggles with feeling like she is saved, despite a very active relationship with the Lord. She often says she doesn't feel like she's saved, which occurs because her depression and other negative emotions dampen her ability to perceive the presence of the Holy Spirit in her heart. She also cries a lot from pure sadness and she doesn't sleep well at night, which amplify the negative emotions.

On Sunday during our Easter celebration and the celebration of my grandpa's 90th birthday (which is tomorrow), my mom will also have to contend with my aunts being there, who will likely be drinking in excess. All of us who know the way my aunts have treated her have a bad feeling about the gathering based on past experiences. My mom is certainly dreading it, and is having a hard time focusing on the most important aspect of that celebration, which is Easter.

I ask those reading this to please pray for her heart, that her sadness would be alleviated and that she would be able to perceive the Holy Spirit working in her. Secondly, I ask that you would pray for peace and calmness in her heart, that she would have a spirit not of fear, but of love and power, and a sound mind. Finally, I ask that you pray the Lord gives her strength to face her sisters on Sunday, and that the time spent together goes as well as it can given the circumstances.

I apologize for bringing this up so much, but I know the power of prayer, and I know how much my mom greatly appreciates it. Thank you all so much.

Received: March 28, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 31 times.


My eyesight is terrible. I can't read a thing including these prayer request properly or the Bible. Can God heal my eyes? Thanks

Received: March 28, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 27 times.


I'm 72 and I need a hysterectomy. Plz pray for me to have the right surgeon perform it. And at the right time. I'm a born again Christian but I'm in fear of this operation. I had an aggressive stage 1 breast cancer in 2010 . A lumpectomy was performed.I went through chemo and radiation. I'm grateful the Lord spared my life ! It was all challenging but for some reason I'm having a HARD time about this operation on my uterus.Thank you for your prayers. Love in Christ. D.D.

Received: March 28, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 21 times.


Please pray for a lady who is very discouraged. She is even starting to worry about her eternal salvation again (she was raised in a legalistic church). Thank you.

Received: March 28, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


Please read and pray that this man will come to salvation in Jesus or if he is saved will repent for his false teachings and those who follow him will have the blinders removed! His movement is in christian education is the fastest growing across N America!!Thank you!

This is from Doug Wilson’s blog/mablog, a huge proponent of Chestertonian Calvinism and sadly one man greatly affecting the lack of christian growth and discernment in America. He owns Logos Word Press, ACCS, New St Andrews in N Idaho and a church there. He is sadly mistaken concerning his ranting of the Bible on several issues but has a huge cult following across N America. His education model is 100 percent based on Dorothy Sayers Trivium who was a known antisemtic writer of detective novels and a few plays. He took her theories of education and applied them as being the grandest method for teaching students. This led to children growing up with a Pharisee mindset based on head knowledge rather than deep truths. Itching of ears is what he teaches:

Welcome to Blog & Mablog. The name is taken from the prophet Ezekiel (Eze. 38:14-16Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)), who was referring to a bad dude named Gog (from Magog), and if you make a little pun, you have a cultural and theological blog that sweeps down from the north out of Russia in order to invade the land of Israel. But I am a supporter of Israel, so I don’t really know what that’s about. Anyway, the fulfillment of that prophecy is about as likely as the other one, and so why let a fun name go to waste?

Received: March 28, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 20 times.


Asking for prayer for myself and both my sons.

Need a breakthrough in areas for our lives. We have been under alot of spiritual attacks, especially individuals that are abusing their authority or should be in a place of trust that are acting corrupt and very evil in secret. The enemy is using these individuals against us.

Praying that God will expose their secret works and make it public and bring their works into shame.

For God to restore every good thing that was lost because of their evil actions.

In Jesus name amen and amen. God bless

Received: March 28, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.

Ellen Baxter

My great grandson was born at 29 weeks and has charger Syndrome and needs a miracle. He was 2lb 10oz

Received: March 27, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.


Please pray for our daughter Kaley that she will return to Christ and her family. Thank you

Received: March 27, 2024

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