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I prayed for this

Prayed for 24 times.


Been praying for a good wife all my life. Never met her. I'm pushing 60 and I've been trying to be good holding out with sexual fantasies. Mind you, prayer for a wife isn't just about sex. It's about having a friend in the world (I have none) and partner in life. Having family (I have none). But yes, also about sex. God gave me a strong urge. Paul said if you burn with passion, it is better to marry. But who wants to marry me? I'm dirt poor, have no confidence, and my body is falling apart. I checked my look in the mirror and saw my body in no longer that handsome 20 something physic but ugly fat. It made me so depressed. It's been 6 decades. How long do I have to hold out and wait. I gave into hopelessness and my sexual imagination and sinned. I ask God to forgive me. But also, for God to consider (If he is going to keep me here as I prayed, he would take me) giving me a Godly alternative to sin. A wife. No more delay. Also, that God would help get my body fit again (my exercise results in nothing), fix my finances, and let's me be happy for the first time in my life. And ultimately, that Jesus saves my soul (helps me not to sin) as I have a hard time resisting sin and keep backsliding in this regard.

Received: April 3, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.


I’m concerned for the spiritual state of America. The false teachings here in the supposed houses of God are satanic. I asked for prayer for Doug Wilson and all that follow reformed theology to return to the truth and away from their antisemitism and gross misunderstandings of the nature of God and hold a literal translation of the Bible and see the hour is late and prophecy must be understood.

Now I ask for prayer to defeat another satanic group of teachers-

Kat Kerr (to represent all who falsely claim to have ascended into the throne room of God and sat on His lap- the most HOLY of HOLY places).

Isaiah 6- gives a clear vision of Isaiah (he did not go to heaven) that God’s throne room is HOLY and filled with His glory and smoke. The cherabim (seraphim) that sit by his throne day and night cover their faces and sing HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, Is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!!

Isaiah immediately recognized his own uncleanness.

John 1:18, 3:13 both say only Jesus who came from heaven (and IS GOD) saw GOD and returns to heaven. No human has seen the face of God and lived. No human has visited heaven. Paul and John also saw visions. Until the rapture and our bodies are made incorruptible (HOLY) we will not see heaven!!! Our spirit upon death will go to be with Jesus but not our body.

These teachers make statements like rollercoasters and all the things of this earth are there. These people have been misled by the devil and are foolishly leading others to such an unbiblical account.

Pray these false teachers will be deeply convicted of their lies, see their eternal consequences of such false teachings and turn now to the HOLY living GOD. Let their mouths be closed shut to never speak such false statements again except to denounce it! In Jesus name. Amen.

America is on a collision course with judgement for all the false teachings inside the churches. Weep and fast for the faithful to proclaim truth to this dying and lost nation.

Received: April 3, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.

Sue visser

Please pray for my 42 year old daughter. She has been so sick for six months. She needs a diagnosis. The drs finally believe her and have stopped treating her horribly. The appointments for tests are months out and she needs relief. Pray for her strength, treatment, healing and salvation.

Received: April 3, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.


Please pray for Strength, Healing, Protection and God's merciful blessings for Stephen, Marian, Carl and Robert. Asking this request in the Name of Jesus. Thank you for praying and God Bless everyone at Olive Tree Ministries.

Received: April 3, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 23 times.


Thank you again for praying me through this cancer battle .

I have tried to return to work and handle all the mean spirited things they did to me , and the end of my salary in hopes of selling a home to pay my rent and cancer cost

I can’t

I’m exhausted and my blood pressure is up from all the stress

Driving daily for cancer treatment on dangerous freeways , all the pressure .is wearing me out

My dr said it would be best to take care of myself


It’s easier to heal when you’re not so worried and stressed .

At 64 with companies pushing you out , I’ve been too scared to take leave .

Please pray they do pay my insurance benefit for that period until 5/17 and I can heal .

I was approved , but didn’t take it yet

So pray for courage for me to tell them tomorrow I need it

Prayer for mercy



And they pay me

Pray the Lord opens new job opportunities when I finish my cancer treatment

Pray they will want me and value my age and experience

Prayer about where I will live or move to ? I don’t believe I’ll be able to afford my rent anymore .

Bless you all for praying me thru this cancer battle

Received: April 2, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 27 times.


Prayers for my son’s family.

Divorce is happening after more than 25 years of marriage. Praying that God would bring them back to Him as the family of 4 are all devastated by this. They have head knowledge of God/Jesus but no actual day to day proof of heart knowledge. I live many states away from them which might even be a blessing. My heart hurts for them and our nation and world. So much heartache and distress. Come Lord Jesus Your Church is in distress.

Received: April 2, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 17 times.

Janice Smith

Thank you for praying for my special need daughter and me. I am so grateful. However I'm asking if you will continue to pray . I need people with a compassionate heart to lift my daughter up before the Lord. Please pray for deliverance from these bad dreams and negative thoughts. Carrie loves Jesus. That's all she talks about every day. Yet she has so much opposition from the enemy. Please pray for peace for us, and restoration. Carrie is emotional, mentally impaired, by polar. She is very sensitive and always fearful. I need prayer warriors that are born again Christians, washed in the blood of the lamb. I also need someone with a compassionate heart. God bless

Received: April 2, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 18 times.

Mary Ready

My daughter name is Michelle and kids are Christian Isabella and Alex oldest to youngest and Alex father pushes him to play Basketball too hard even with his asthma and allergies

Received: April 2, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 15 times.


Please pray for my daughter who has been very depressed and has a eating disorder and keeps gaining weight.Help her to care for her children who have emotional issues and drug addiction.Pray she can regain partial custody of the youngest child and the truth about the Abuse the child’s father committed is seen by the court.Pray for my granddaughter who is being influenced by online leftist and my oldest grandson who is addicted to pot and very anxiety filled .pray for my health as O have Parkinson’s and am rapidly losing weight and my energy is gone .The kids need me my daughter needs me as their has never been a father for her or a good father for her children .Thank you so much God Bless .Help us all to read and understand the Bible and its truth

Received: April 2, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 17 times.

Barb B

To everyone that takes the time to stop, I want to pray for you.

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace."

Numbers 6:24-26

Everyone has someone they know is lost, when the Lord leads lift up my grandson Cameron!

Received: April 2, 2024

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