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I prayed for this

Prayed for 11 times.


I just received voicemail from Kirk’s (my husband’s) attorney saying how do I want to receive papers he has initiated & filed to dissolve our marriage after an estimated 500 to 600 divorce threats over whole marriage with so much psychological abuse. I cannot put into words what I am feeling - I have interceded in much long suffering over years & whatever is afflicting him has intensified where he seems like someone I don’t know in a trance seeking so hard & much pleasure, world, it’s people & self. I could use prayer help for my husband, me & my daughter. He is an ever increasing very wealthy man who has struggled with rage, deception, double minded, abuse, self reliant thinking he is saved when he is not & living lavishly (private jets most weekends always leaving us behind) while me & my daughter try to obey Christ, live with holes in clothes off very bare minimum getting by, cars / home with many issues where he has abandoned us, both her & I having many chronic health issues & surgeries probably largely due to all this trauma.

Our situation is very complex & complicated with only one attorney in our city able to handle the magnitude of our case from what I’ve been told by many attorneys over years of divorce threats - I’m hoping he will be right fit & able to take on me as new client. With psychological abuse I’ve experienced, I need someone who can handle magnitude & also be kind to me. I need clarity & confidence from Lord in who He wants me to now quickly retain as an attorney - who will do the best possible job for me in our complex case as to what is legally fair but also respect my choices honoring the Lord.

As well as for Kirk's pride to be crushed into humility, to be miserable with his decision seeing it is not the way where he is constantly restless with this way, to wake up with mind unveiled to understanding coming face to face with who he is & all the destruction he has caused us, convicted, that he may be granted repentance wanting Jesus to be authority & Lord of his life.

A miracle for Kirk's salvation & marriage / family restoration - that these legal proceedings against our marriage would be called off soon & he would restore money to me he is withholding. For Lord to save me from this pain & harm. For me & Ty to see abundance of His provision & protection with so many things falling apart health wise, outdoor water pipes needing RE-excavated so I don’t lose water, car issues, house issues, daughter’s job problems, ad infinitum. I don’t want to be homeless again with my health declining as he wants to force me out of our home we built for my health needs. I don’t know why God has allowed so much unending trouble as I’ve been cleaving & loving Him interceding for years for Kirk’s salvation, our marriage & family restored with unity, harmony & testimony for His glory with so many watching my faith as everything keeps falling apart more & more. I don’t understand & my body is so weak & tired.

Received: April 13, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.


Please pray for a godly friend of mine going through a bad situation involving her apartment manager. Her name is Susan. She is being accused of things she didn't do and could possibly be evicted. Pray for healing, peace, restoration, forgiveness and no eviction. Susan is disabled and in her upper 70's.

Received: April 12, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 13 times.


I just found out that I have very high blood pressure (180/40) and a slightly enlarged heart. Please pray that God will heal and help me to loose weight.

Received: April 12, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.

Rebecca Boersma

Hi prayer warriors, I have asked for prayer for our 42 yeat old son, Albert, a few weeks ago. He really needs the Holy Spirit to work in his life, mind, heart, soul. He continues to look for different "gods" or spiritual avenues rather than look to the one and true GOD of the Bible. He struggles in these areas..spiritual, mental, emotional, physically, financially...he needs JESUS. Now today he came home from work, found the neighbor's tree had fallen and crushed his fence. He had issues with this neighbor in the past and went to jail, he doesnt want to even talk to the man. And the neighbor is a professing believer but lied in court to get out of will take the power of the HOLY SPIRIT and a miracle for all of the above to be resolved. I thank you so much for your prayer...I wish I could meet each of you and thank you personally. GOD help us all. Becky B

Received: April 12, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.

Odean Moore

widow of 39 yrs. prayer for healing for my children andmyself and God's will in our lives. Prayer for Israel and Jerusalem's safety from the wiched Princi;alities and Powers attacking and safety from Iran and the nations they have attacking Israel. and pray for America to come back to God

Received: April 12, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


I know their is so much evil going on in this world, and many may think I should not be putting energy here, but my heart breaks for the cats and dogs near my home in Spain, 1 little dog tied up and barks ALL day, he must be so unhappy and also exhausted. When the owner come home he stops, apart from me having a horrid head ache which I never get normally, his bark is so high pitch, it feels like a knife being turned in my gut, to hear him in such distress. I am English the owner Spanish, before I have tried to talk to him he laughed at me,he said they feel nothing, they have no soul.. what ignorance they feel nothing. I wouldnt care if he spat in my face but spared the dog but no he doesn’t care for the dog or his neighbours..

I pray more people wake up to respect and care for Gods creation, he gave them to us as companions first off, yes he gave us domain over them, but here’s the thing I think many think of that as power, in a I can do what I like to them, “God said” but on that day we sit before Christ and give an account, I could imagine God would say the animals have given you an opportunity to reflect my love, by how you treat them. And I think many will have a shock, they are not nothing…I guess he created some of us super sensitive to the animal kingdom and at my late age, I see potential why God created me this way, because he knew I would spend much of my life alone, with out family. So his creatures bring me joy, comfort and companionship. Also the cats in the gardens are wild with so many health issues while I am here I feed them and give homeopathy but I am dreading how they will fare when I have gone.

Lord Jesus come quickly.

I hope you will come along side and pray with me.

With Love and gratitude

thank you.

Received: April 12, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


Father in heaven,

Please watch over us in these perilous times. I ask that You open our hearts Father and soften them with love for You and for each other. Bless us that we may minister to those around us as You see fit. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear Lord, Bless us with wisdom and discernment.

I ask if it is Your will Lord, that You change the hearts of the wicked, so that they may cry out to You Father, that they see may see that Jesus Christ is their one and only Savior.

The way, the truth and the life. John 14:6

I ask that You Bless Israel Father, and I ask You these things in Christ Jesus name.


Received: April 12, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.


Good bless you all.

Today I would like to ask for prayers of comfort, and of strength and of peace, and for God to watch over, lift up and cradle in his loving arms the 3 very small children who lost their beautiful mother at the hands of their father this past Tuesday, who is now missing and possibly himself jumped from a bridge.

My heart is troubled for the children and the family, and the deceased. I ask that you pray hard and often for the family of Caitlin Folltsad who is now with our Father in heaven…

God bless you all in Christ Jesus name


Received: April 12, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 9 times.


Pray please for the salvation of my siblings and their respective families. Also for complete restoration of my Mother's health.

I pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

Received: April 12, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 10 times.

Roger Showers

My wife Kim has been living in another state for almost 2 years. We need the supernatural intervention of God to fix our marriage.

Received: April 12, 2024

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