You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 42 times.

Christina Kline

Please pray for Bridgette and myself. Bridgette works at the church we both attend and leads ministries but how she acts at church and outside it's like smoke and mirrors. She is very emotionally abusive to me and I'm afraid to go to my pastors about it and if I do they won't care. Please pray for me. I wish I never became friends with her because the emotional ghosting and not practicing what she preaches hurts deeply and this is a calvary chapel church. I'm so upset.

Received: June 21, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 33 times.


Please pray for my sister’s heart to soften and for a transformation. She believes Jesus died and rose. However, she very much lives in the world and when I try to talk to her about Jesus, the Bible, or end times she won’t tolerate it for long, or she shuts me down immediately and tells me I’m weird for bringing Him into the conversation.

Received: June 21, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 31 times.


Battling in my heart to choose eternity with God vs the way of my flesh. I see this battle going on in my family too. Please pray for the strength to lay down this earthly life for Jesus and that which is eternal.

Received: June 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 31 times.


Hi there. I would like to please ask those reading this to pray for my husband and me. Recently, I shared a prayer request about my sister-in-law and our two nieces, who are in a post-divorce situation. The new man my sister-in-law picked is extremely worldly and has the potential to be a bad influence for our nieces, as he smokes, vapes, and drinks (with what seems to be an unhealthy fixation on alcohol). There seem to be no indicators this man is a Christian. My sister-in-law, though she claims to be Christian, does not seem to prioritize godliness in a man and says men who are kind and gentle-hearted (like her two brothers) are "too boring." Hence, she dates men like the one she is with. Since godliness does not seem to be a major focus for her in her dating life, she also exemplifies worldliness in other aspects of her life, which is detrimental to our nieces.

Soon after sharing that prayer request, I believe the Holy Spirit put an idea on my heart, which is to take our nieces with us to church once a month (if not more). Not too long ago, my sister-in-law went out of town for three days to go see this man she is with, leaving our nieces with us. We took them to church and I taught them a Bible class about Noah and the flood, which they loved. I think, if we take them with us to church once a month or so (and I teach them a class), they would enjoy it. It is clear they want to learn more about the Lord, the Bible, and what it means to know Jesus.

I have been praying nonstop that the Lord would use my husband and me to help lost family members come to know Christ. I think this idea is an answered prayer, especially because we don't see much evidence that knowing the Lord is a top priority in their home. I pray I am wrong, but the lack of basic knowledge about things I knew when I was a kid like creation, Noah and the flood, Joseph from the Old Testament, and so forth when talking about these things with our nieces is telling. All they seem to know is "the baby Jesus" and that's about it, which makes sense given their family does not attend church and Catholic religious activities are emphasized over an actual relationship with the Lord. I get the feeling since they were baptized in the Catholic church as babies and my sister-in-law has various Catholic artifacts around her home (like the crucifix), they think they are saved (though I could be wrong). We don't claim to know if they are saved or not, but we are left wondering.

This stuff has been bothering me a lot lately, especially after seeing Lamb and Lion's "Nation in Freefall" conference, where the single biggest quote seared into my mind about kids these days is, "They are drowning." This isn't just with our nieces; we are watching our nephew and my little sister-in-law also being led astray because parents either don't care about raising their children in a Christian home or they think religious rituals have saved them. They are lost in the comforts of this world--seeming to only know of God rather than actually knowing Him--and their children are lost, too. It is agonizing and infuriating to watch. Prayers for my husband and me, that we can maintain level heads and hearts, and help these young ones in our family (as well as others), would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

Received: June 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 46 times.


I am 74 and 6month I had surgery on my back because I had three ruptured and I am not healing like I should I have awful back spasms please help me pray for my health to be restored

Received: June 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 46 times.

Linda Olsen


Also, please pray for my son Stevan Castillo! I don’t know if he is born again even though he grew up in church. I know the Lord is coming soon and I don’t want him to be left behind!

Thank you brothers and sisters!!! God bless you!

Received: June 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 38 times.


Please pray for me. I have a slight prolapse {dropped womb} from picking some thing up which was too heavy. I have been to the doctor and she can not find any thing wrong but i feel there is still something off. Although the Lord has made a slow healing on it, which i thank him for, i need a miracle now because the Lord has provided me with a nice man to get married to and i want my womb back to normal, please Jesus.

Received: June 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 38 times.


I would like to please request prayers for Ruidoso, NM. The area has been ravaged by two large wildfires over the last several days; last night, the area experienced flash flooding. I pray the rain will extinguish these fires. So far, two have perished from the fires and several remain unaccounted for, as the village was evacuated earlier this week. My husband and I have close ties to this town, as we spent our honeymoon there and continue to visit on an annual basis for our anniversary. We have both taken numerous vacations up there with our families since we were kids, and we know several who live there. It is like our home away from home. Prayers for the folks up there and their families would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.

Received: June 20, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 41 times.


For my family to have relationship with Jesus Christ and to be free if satanic torment depression and isolation

Received: June 20, 2024

This prayer has been answered!

naomi reynolds Answer Prayer

Thank you for your prayers God provided safe traveling mercies for us on our trip to Virginia thank all of you for all of your prayer

Received: June 20, 2024

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