You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Please pray for our adult children and their spouses. They are all into Dungeons and Dragons
Please pray for their deliverance from this and their salvation.
Received: October 17, 2024
Madeline Pimentel
Please pray that the Lord will restore the spirit of intercession and fill me afresh with His Holy Spirit.
Received: October 17, 2024
Please pray my daughter will come out of the darkness and back into God's light. Pray she will find a Christian friend or friends to help guide her. Pray that the friends that are pulling her into the darkness leave her life.
Received: October 17, 2024
Heavenly Father God, Lord Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit please may very many people I know become saved by the Blood of Lord Jesus Christ. When saved then may they be rescued from replacement theology. Holy Spirit give them the revelation about Daniel's 70th week, Israel, Jerusalem, the need to bless the Jews, the need to study with care Bible Prophesy, the Blessed Hope of the Rapture, The 7 year Tribulation, then Lord Jesus returning to the Mount of Olives in east Jerusalem and ruling 1000 years from the Throne of David. Please Lord Jesus Christ say the word and may very many people get saved in the village and nearby town.
Received: October 17, 2024
Praise You and thank You God The Father, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit that You have brought many Bible believing Christians to worship in the village hall in Liddington, and they are keen to evangelise people in the village and nearby town of Swindon. Please bless and reward them and empower them. Bless their mission. May very many hearts melt and may they become saved.
Received: October 17, 2024
Dear Family, please pray for my 11 year old granddaughter and satanically inspired father and girlfriend. Although I am not allowed to see her, I can come before the throne on their behalf. Please join me there in praying that they all come to know Jesus as Savior. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for praying..
Received: October 17, 2024
My daughter just found out that her husband was
Having an affair and the woman is pregnant now
He wants to take responsibility for the child. My daughter is really struggling with his decisions and still wants to stay and remain his wife despite what he has done. I pray that he truly repents and will be delivered from this stronghold. He needs deliverance. He needs to
Surrender his will to God and change. So please pray for my daughter and son n law.
Received: October 17, 2024
The booklets called “The rapture what happened and why?” were sent out to 10 family members yesterday! And some will be arriving today and in the next couple days. Please pray that my unbelieving Family will take it seriously read through the booklet. And as as result they will search the scriptures in the Bible that are noted. Look for truth, find Jesus Christ, ultimately pray and become born again. For God to intervene. Thank you!
Received: October 17, 2024
Please pray for my little boy who just turned 3. When he was 15 months he caught a virus and went into the hospital for 3 days. The things that happened there left him traumatized along with myself. He was a very happy baby before that. It was in the hospital when he first started hitting me and this continued at home - hitting, screaming over anything, biting. He’d bite me on the nose, punch me in the face. You couldn’t work with him at all - try to read him a book and he’d rip it up or throw it at you. The drs said it should stop by 2 if it was from trauma. It didn’t. It kept going till a few months ago when God started to miraculously bring him out of this. His personality is back to my sweet little boy who is learning to socialize in preschool and follow directions. Unfortunately he is way behind in his speech. His receptive language seems pretty good but he struggles so much to talk. Please pray the Lord completely restores him and that this experience will glorify Him. Thank you!
Received: October 17, 2024
I have prayed for 20 plus years for my kids to come to the Lord. I feel so down because it still hasn't happened. I know Jesus is coming soon, and I continue to claim that me and my household will be saved . Thank you.