Markell: Why Many Churches Today Can Never Understand the Times

Amillennialism — Tragically, almost all major denominations embrace this today. The Millennium is not literal, in spite of the fact that Revelation 20 says it is a thousand years multiple times. It’s not that they deny a Millennium; rather, they don’t believe it is literal. They believe that Jesus is sitting on the Throne of David in heaven, and that this present Church Age is the kingdom referred to, over which Christ reigns.

The New Gospel Of Self Esteem – Just Be You

A recent article (which I will not link here) proclaimed the salacious news that a Christian woman is stripping online (and getting rich in the process) because that is what God what wants her to do.   She claims to have a personal relationship with Jesus, but without the baggage of thousands of years of man-made doctrine. And, she claims, whenever she asks God about stripping naked online, He always gives her the same answer: yes!