How can we be in these mind-numbing times and not have every single Christian asking what it all means? Maybe because the church is now in Laodicea and today’s church—with some exceptions—is more interested in conforming than transforming.
Prophetic Ponderings – Pete Garcia
Fourth Thought: Why we are the generation to see the Rapture. A lot of writers and teachers have given their lists as to why they think the Rapture is soon. I don’t want to rehash the long list of the signs of our time, but I want to focus on two verses.
The Stage is Set for the End Times
As a student of bible prophecy for almost 30 years, and specifically end times bible prophecy, no other time has seemed as close to the end times as right now. Why do I say this? Because, particularly in the past year, the geopolitical and economic stage has been set for the fulfillment of several end times prophecies.
Top Bible Prophecy Stories in 2021 – Harbingers Of His Return
News with apocalyptic implications is breaking on a daily basis, so summarizing such events in a compact manner, is difficult. But, let me try. This current year has been record-setting in so many ways. Some of those ways are tragic as the Lord tries to get the world’s attention. His patience is amazing, so He then sends another series of reminders.