Calming the End-Time Rage

A weariness has set in as the weight of the world’s sin presses down so heavily that it is harder and harder to keep going. We feel like we are climbing a steep mountain with a heavy load. Up is down, black is white, evil is good. Political correctness will eventually destroy the planet. We’re tired of the Keystone Kops running the show in nearly every capital of the world.

Pope Francis – An Apocalyptic Figure?

Pope Francis is revealing himself to be a blatant Marxist. He has also pulled back from issues Catholics have considered sacred. He apparently has replaced abortion with social justice and environmentalism. Most troubling, however, is his call for a “new world order” and that there be a global constitution, a global court and a one-world government.Scripture is clear that the Antichrist will be the head of a one-world government (Revelation 13).