The Rapture Gap

I do not subscribe to a mid-trib (for lack of a better term) scenario. Although I will tie up my thoughts in the summary of his volume, I want to give some context as to the why our Rapture is at the beginning of the 70th week, rather than the middle. Furthermore, if we understand that Scripture never ties the Rapture with the start the 70th Week of Daniel, we can see how and why a gap must be necessary.

A Disturbing Trend: Does Anybody Care?

Adding to the survey were Joel Rosenberg and Chosen People Ministries. Rosenberg stated, “Unless the church gives younger believers a healthy, balanced, solidly biblical understanding of God’s love and plan for Israel, overall evangelical support for the Jewish state could very well plummet over the next decade as Millennials represent an ever-larger percentage of the overall church body.”

Falling Into Place The Top 10 Bible Prophecy-Related Stories of 2018

Almost one-third of the Bible relates to eschatology or Bible prophecy. I think we can conclude that a lot of what is happening today foreshadows “things to come.”
Here are my observations on activities that relate to Bible prophecy in 2018. I am just discerning the times, not engaging in newspaper exegesis. I encourage everyone to be like the sons of Issachar in I Chronicles 12, who understood the times.

2019: What’s Next? – Hal Lindsey

Bible prophecy is being fulfilled in dramatic, even spectacular ways. That’s good news because it means that the return of Jesus is getting closer. But the Bible makes it clear that the buildup to Christ’s return will be anything but pleasant. At some point, those of us who are in Christ will be raptured out of here. But between now and the rapture, difficulties will increase. America’s power and influence may be destroyed even sooner than we had imagined.