Haven’t We Waited Long Enough?

Rapture Ready

The malady goes by many names: End-time weariness; Rapture fatigue; Israel burn-out. The results are the same: The scoffers and skeptics are gaining too much territory and too many followers. The fact that the King is coming is boring and just old news. What Hal Lindsey wrote in 1969 in his classic “The Late-Great Planet Earth”, in the eyes of many, did not come to pass. Thus, there is a collective so-what sigh.

Haven’t we waited long enough??

The New World Order in Bible Prophecy

John Lennon would be proud. His one-world system that he imagined in 1971 is rushing into existence. It’s hiding in plain view. Its goals and leaders are not even subtle. They are pushing back against God’s plan for the ages and His globalist endeavor called the Millennium.

The Globalist Set-Back

The global agenda had a curve ball thrown at them on November 8, 2016. They were convinced the arch-globalist Hillary Clinton would win the election. It was a no brainer. But God had other ideas and the globalists had a serious set-back. Donald J. Trump is not one of them.