Joel Rosenberg
Huckabee also pushed back against efforts for a two-state-solution which is being pushed by European and Arab countries as a way to end the conflict. He said that Hamas must be removed.
Joel Rosenberg
Huckabee also pushed back against efforts for a two-state-solution which is being pushed by European and Arab countries as a way to end the conflict. He said that Hamas must be removed.
As Michele Bachmann pointed out, both Trump and Bibi fell out of power because in her opinion, the Abraham Accords were not strong enough against a two-state solution. Netanyahu took five elections in Israel to regain control in November 2022.
Three pro-life activists who received pardons from President Trump on January 23 recently spoke with Fox News ‘Outnumbered’ host Kayleigh McEnany about their experiences. Will Goodman, Paulette Harlow, and Jean Marshall (who is Harlow’s sister) joined McEnany, along with Harlow’s husband John.
Rapture Ready
Even with half their number exterminated at the century’s midpoint, 159 of the remaining 836 Nobel Prizes were awarded to Jews, or roughly 18.8% of all the Nobel Prizes awarded in Nobel’s history. (If you’re keeping track, that is about twenty times as many prizes divided among fourteen million Jews than were shared by the 2 billion Muslims worldwide)
I thought it could be helpful to share an excerpt from our book Reckless Christianity that explains her connections to NAR–most notably, her role in the movement as an “apostle.” As you read the excerpt, pay attention to how she follows the practice of many other NAR leaders. . .