Biden-Harris Broadband Push Connects Zero Americans Thanks to Progressive Mandates


Progressive mandates have bogged down the Biden-Harris expansion of broadband so that not one American has been connected 1,024 days after lawmakers passed the so-called infrastructure bill. Tucked inside the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act is a $42.5 billion fund to dramatically expand internet access across America. 

Advanced Technology And The Coming Global Empire

Prophecy News Watch

A series of recent news stories have highlighted the massive advances made in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), specifically in regard to facial recognition technologies. For example, according to the BBC, the police used live facial recognition technology to scan the crowd at a recent airshow in the UK, leading to the arrests of three people. 

‘Bow Down or Else’: In Our Nation, The Pressure To Conform Is Growing Greater By The Day

Harbinger’s Daily

But Houston’s mayor already tried to pre-approve pastor’s sermons and other Western nations have tried to label the Bible as hate speech. Does anyone really doubt that if America elected a far-Left President and majority in Congress that they would not seek to undermine religious liberty in the United States?