“Here is where we are: Olive hasn’t been raised. The breakthrough we have sought hasn’t come,” conceded Bethel Church, which led the prayers seeking a miracle, in a Facebook post Friday. “And so, we are moving towards a memorial service and celebration of her life.”
December 2019
Christianizing Yoga
Rapture Ready
Hence, the saying if it looks like a demon, acts like a demon, and smells like a demon, then it’s probably a demon. Yoga is demonism; the poses and chants are designed to pay homage and worship to over 330 million Hindu gods! Not only are these gods false, they are ancient idols, and more importantly, they are demons! Wake up, church!
The Top 10 Bible Prophecy Stories of 2019
There was a time when news of last days’ significance was sporadic. I could easily do a weekly radio program and hit the highlights of the week in an hour or two on air. In the last decade, that has all changed. Now, when trying to prepare a new message on the signs of the times, I find myself having to leave out information due to volume. Some things just have to be set aside.
The Top 10 Bible Prophecy Stories of 2019 – Jan Markell
There was a time when news of last days’ significance was sporadic. I could easily do a weekly radio program and hit the highlights of the week in an hour or two on air. In the last decade, that has all changed. Now, when trying to prepare a new message on the signs of the times, I find myself having to leave out information due to volume. Some things just have to be set aside.
Wherefore, Contend With One Another Over These Words – Jack Kinsella
Despite all that, the doctrinal differences that exist between us on a single point, the timing of the Rapture, is enough to divide us into two camps. From what I can read, there will be no compromise.
Those who reject a pre-Trib Rapture argue that expecting a pre-Trib Rapture will make believers so blinded to the antichrist that when a European leader arises who confirms a peace covenant with Israel, declares himself Israel’s Messiah, and demands global worship in exchange for a Mark that, without which, they will be unable to buy or sell, that they will accept the Mark.