Andy Stanley Suggests We Should Unhitch From The Ten Commandments

Is all the Bible relevant to a Christian worldview? One well-known pastor recently suggested it isn’t. But I beg to differ.   What’s the only passage in Scripture personally written down by God? If you answered “the Ten Commandments,” you’re right on the money. Exodus tells us that God audibly spoke these laws at Mount Sinai and inscribed them on tablets of stone with His own finger.

What Happened to My Church? – Jan Markell

Some churches open with a secular song, dim the lights, add some smoky fog, and have an atmosphere similar to the local bar. All of this is to enhance choruses that will be sung two-dozen times by hypnotized church members. I would learn that it is to attract “seekers” — a 21st Century term. Bill Hybels admitted that he came up with the term but confessed it didn’t work well in his church!
Organs and pianos were tossed out 25 years ago because they did not promote “church growth.” The over-age 55 crowd was on their own. Some churches threw them a bone with an 8 a.m. service for those with gray heads. That trend began “the great divide” between generations.

Evangelicals Falling Under Social Justice Spell


Many contemporary churches have moved far into the field of social activism, oftentimes casting it as “social justice,” based on collectivist ideas and strategies that include the defense of left-leaning causes such as gay rights.

Evangelical churches are among them, and now some Christian leaders are responded with a “Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel.”

“We are deeply concerned that values borrowed from secular culture are currently undermining Scripture in the areas of race and ethnicity, manhood and womanhood, and human sexuality,” declares the statement.

The Mystical New Age Roots of “Jesus Calling”

By Geri Ungurean

A baby was being dedicated on the first Sunday we visited the new church. A book was presented to the parents of the baby. The name of the book was Jesus Calling. I had read about this book, and knew that it was very controversial, but I had no idea how wrong this book was for any Christian to be reading.

I know that this article is going to upset many people who have come to love Jesus Calling.