Nothing in recent history has lent itself to the debut of Revelation 13:16 like the international response to this virus. And the consequence of that response is what demands attention from believers. That is, we are on the threshold of the scenario that is described in Revelation 13, and this emphasizes to all who have eyes to see and ears to hear that the removal of the Church is indeed imminent.
Prophecy Watch
We are to watch and pray for the Lord’s return. We will help you do so by keeping our eyes on the signs of the times and reporting them to you. Jesus chastised the Pharisees for not knowing the signs of the times in His day. So He wants to us know the signs today, for they instill in us hope for the future and encourage us to evangelize the lost while there is still time.
Living in the Last Days: A Practical Guide
Now while the church will not be here to endure any portion of the Tribulation, there are mixed opinions on how bad things will get prior to that time. Granted, things have been tough for Christians around the world for the last two-thousand years, so in these regards, we are speaking specifically to Western Civilization.
10 Reasons Why Bible Prophecy Exists
Did you know that a whopping 31% of the Bible is God revealing how events will unfold before they happen? Our Heavenly Father wants His children to know what the future holds!
Endless Looting, Rioting & Civil Unrest Preparing Way For Antichrist?
If you think that I am being overly dramatic, just consider what is happening in northern California right now. Flash mobs have robbed three San Francisco area stores in three days. On Saturday night A mob of more than 80 thieves wearing ski masks and armed with crowbars suddenly descended upon a Nordstrom store, and they ransacked the entire place in just minutes…
Prophetic Ponderings – Pete Garcia
Fourth Thought: Why we are the generation to see the Rapture. A lot of writers and teachers have given their lists as to why they think the Rapture is soon. I don’t want to rehash the long list of the signs of our time, but I want to focus on two verses.