How the Social Justice False Gospel Was Used by Satan in the Mid Terms

This false gospel is spreading across the globe at breakneck speed.  I will refer to this movement as the SJG.

The SJG movement has Marxist/Socialist roots.  They believe in the redistribution of wealth.  They are pro-abortion as a whole. They are Global Warming fanatics.  They are anti Capitalism. They march with LGBT groups. They call themselves Christians and many are jumping on that train.

Roman Catholics Worldwide Praying in Cemeteries to Free Souls From ‘Purgatory’ November 1-8

As has been the custom for the past 50 years, Roman Catholics worldwide who pray at a cemetery between Nov. 1-8—and follow other requirements—are being offered a plenary indulgence to free their loved one from Purgatory and send their soul to Heaven. The practice has been said to be unbiblical for a number of reasons.

Big Deal

Daymond Duck – Rapture Ready

The Bible clearly teaches that the Antichrist is coming and he will rule over a world government (Dan. 7:23, 9:24-27; Matt. 24:15; II Thess. 2:3-4; Rev. 13:7-8).

Two things are required for this to happen: One, there must be a decline in nationalism or patriotism, and Two, there must be a rise in globalism or world government.